Laboratories worldwide rely on Stratedigm flow cytometry equipment to provide the high-quality results they need, day after day. And Stratedigm’s robust designs, Control Center, and built-in fully automated diagnostics are crucial elements that ensure data integrity.
Reliable by design, Stratedigm’s flow cytometers protect your investment from the inside out. Critical components inside of every Stratedigm cytometer are housed and protected by an expanded polypropylene polymer (EPP), resulting in excellent optical alignment, shock resistance, and vibrational stability.
Knowing that each subsystem of your flow cytometer is properly maintained and regularly inspected is important. And with CellCapTure’s Control Center, you can verify each component’s usage at a glance; additionally, it allows Stratedigm Engineers to proactively replace near end-of-life components—before there’s a problem.
But what’s most important is data integrity. So, Stratedigm’s Instrument Diagnostics provide a comprehensive system check to ensure ultimate instrumentation performance. Each Instrument Diagnostics takes a snapshot of the complete health of the system; from CVs and mean intensities to laser powers and system pressures, all essential subsystems are verified. Similarly, Stratedigm applies its fully automated diagnostics to its A600 High Throughput Auto Sampler (HTAS); ensuring absolute counts, robotic movements, and more are operating flawlessly.
No matter when you run your Stratedigm flow cytometer instrumentation, know that your system is running at its peak performance.
Stay tuned for more exciting news! To learn more about our future-proof instruments with investment protection, please contact, visit us at our website, or our YouTube Channel.